You Were Born To Be Real Not Perfect: Invitation to share mini organizing projects!!!

My friends and readers ask me how I manage to do all that I do. I sometimes have people calling me super mom, super woman etc. It makes me really happy to hear compliments like these. But I have to confess something today.

We have all come across that super woman who manages to keep it all together and how!!!! She is a great cook, a super mum, looks like a super model or a Bollywood star, is a great homemaker and has a successful career. Unfortunately I am not that woman because I am fortunately a real person leading a real life. I was born to be real not perfect

Trust me, all of us seem to be super women to someone out there. (I’d give my right arm for my husband and daughter to believe I am the super woman). We are all super superb at something or a lot of things we do.. But I am sure you agree that all of us cannot be superb at everything. All we can do is try to be good at what we do. That’s what I do and I am sure you do too. I know I seem like I am super organized all the time and everything about my home and life is perfectly in order. But that is not true. My boot holds half my belongings, my side drawer is full of junk, my workstation has piles of paper (currently!) Not every bit of my life and home is organized all the time (some parts are … or id have a nervous breakdown). The truth that I just love to love my home and life. And one of the ways I show my gratefulness and love for my home and life is by continuously trying to make it a tiny bit more beautiful and functional.

Today I’d like to invite all you super women out there to share how you make your lives more functional and organized. It could be a side drawer, car boot, shoe rack, kitchen drawer, spice rack. Anything at all. It need not be a big project anything small that has made your life and home more functional. Please do share the story of why and how with pictures and I will feature it on my blog in the coming weeks. You can send in your posts on I am so excited!!! can’t wait!!!



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