Zayb's First Masterpiece

I believe that creativity paves way for positivity. If one channelizes ones energy to doing creative stuff there is little time and energy left to indulge in negativity. I try and spend my spare time doing small projects that make me happy and make my life more organized. I want to raise Zayb to be a creative individual with a kind and positive soul and hence I do what I can do encourage and develop creativity in her too.

Last week I made milk paint with split milk, corn flour and food colors. And left her with the paints, canvas and a brush to enjoy herself. WeIl ….. I did not really leave her by herself. Me being me, I was nudging her to use some bright colors, but she being she … she refused any inputs and played by her mind (believe me she has a mind of her own … kids these days.. phew). I was amazed at what she created….I’m not sure if they are exactly very pretty paintings to the eyes of the world.. but to me these are masterpieces.



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